Sunday, October 22, 2006

2006-10-23: Network Down

Cause: all servers were reset to synchronize the current time. All BACH's VLAN interfaces failed, and could not be reset by enabling/disabling the interfaces.

Fix: All network interfaces were removed and reconfigured manually. BACH was also reset. VLANs returned to normal after repeating the procedures for several times.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

DSEJ Smart ID Plan

Workstation: smartbirpp

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

B403 Network Down (2006-10-11, 20:25)


- file over 100MB in size was being copied by ~10 students simultaneously


- B403 Network down; all workstations were unable to connect to BACH and other servers
- other networks remained intact
- ping test for all other networks were OK
- Strange thing: ping stopped when was ping'ed (the IP for B403 VLAN bound on BACH).


- go to "Binding" and disable the IP on BACH bound on the B403 VLAN (ie.
- go to "Interface and dsisable the Virtual board for B403 VLAN
- reinitialize system
- go to "Binding" and "Interface" again to enable the IP and the virtual board.